Dr. Leo Rajan pereira
US-educated post-doctoral research scholar, author, educator, musician, and enrepreneur

Embodiment of Dedication and Perseverance
The long-term US-educated postdoctoral research scholar, author, educator, musician, and entrepreneur lives in New York City for over three decades.
During all these times, he was fully focused and dedicated to his studies, teaching, and research. That causes to strain many friendships and relationships, and also put a heavy strain on financial resources. But that is just one side of an incredible feat in the U.S. Many of his relatives in other countries only heard about him and did not meet him during that very long time. From the New York City Department of Education to the world of corporate finance, he had seen all kinds of breeds. For the last few decades, day in and day out, it was a time full of challenges, tests of mental strength, emotional grit, and character. However, he never allowed any irrational things to divert his focus and mission.
Finally, he earned his Ph.D. from the U.S. The doctoral degree, Ph.D. is the highest level of academic qualification that you can achieve from a university. Becoming an independent researcher in quantitative methods needs a lots of dedication and character unlike doing a 'backyard questionaire" in qualitative methods. Analyzing 11 years of entire financial data of 56 large-cap corporations, from Apple to Walmart, listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ is not an easy task by any means. And that is what he did for his doctoral research.
Here is the faculty and industry-acclaimed dissertation that was copyrighted and the Federal U.S. Copyrights. Dissertation at Google Scholar >>>
The Convocation and the Doctoral Hooding Ceremony was in Washington DC.
Academic Credentials
Ph.D. Finance
Earning a doctoral degree in the U.S. after eight years of persistent work is not an easy task. Getting a 4.0/4.0 GPA for all the Ph.D. programs prior to the dissertation without even missing a single week's assignments for such a long period is indeed incredible.
Conducting real-world quantitative research well above industry standard and becoming an independent researcher in quantitative methods is not an overnight achievement. The Indian way with full of plagiarism cannot be seen in a published dissertation in the U.S. Prior to publishing, it will undergo many quality tests by academic and industry leader. Tuition fees alone for the Ph.D., M.Phil., and M.B.A. in the US cost about $400,000, interest is on top of that.
The dissertation is copyrighted at the U.S Copyrights and published for the academia and industry. >>> Dissertation at Google Scholar - Puthenthope

M.Phil. Finance
The 72-credit program prior to the real deep dive into the quantitative research and dissertation was a test of skills and characters. Those meek and the unfortunate may start the program. Only the blessed can survive the pressure for that long period and succeed. Then, what about the required resources for long years of studies in the U.S.?
Learning is easier but relearning is much harder. Those who cannot even earn a GED from the U.S. cannot understand it. Do you know how hard is to get 4.0/4.0 for un undergraduate degree in the U.S.?
The doctoral program's GPA,4.0/4.0 proves the width, depth, grit, character, and persistency that are required for a scholar.
M.B.A. Finance
During the MBA Convocation in New York City in 2010. The president of Keller Graduate School of Management is congratulating Leo Rajan Pereira.
Reason for choosing finance: The great suffering that he witnessed firsthand in New York City during the 2000 Dotcom Bubble Crash and 2008 Global Financial Crisis at the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq made him to focus on corporate finance.
Being the Capstone Project Leader, he had the honor to incorporate all the members' (from the US Air Force to the Caribbean Islands) valuable contributions by using the WebEx platform. They developed the industry acclaimed Business Plan.
M.B.A. GPA is 3.4/4.0

Under the pen name, Leoba Puthenthope, I arranged over 200 songs in French, Italian, Chinese, and English. teaching those songs note by note was a painstaking proposition that I took seriously for my students and daughter, Sabrina. She went on to become the music conductor from freshman year at Stuyvesant High School, the most prestigious and the most sought specialized high school in New York. About 40 music videos were created about 15 years back.
Diploma in Western Music - Guitar
When I enrolled at Tharanga Nissari School of Music of K. J. Yesudas for Western Music (Guitar) in 1983, I was so excited because my passion was taking a different level. Almost everyday, I was dealing with maestros from various genre who visited our school. Our principal Mr. Michael, an esteemed violinist, handled the tough theory classes for four years and I did extremely well because mathematics and music are very logical.
Attending music classes during the early morning and evening hours while I was staying at Celine aunt's house, Orthodox Student's Center, and Catholic Hostel when simultaneously doing M.Sc. Math and later M.A. Econometrics was a great challenge.
During the graduation ceremony at V.J.T. Hall in 1987, I was the only candidate who graduated from the Western Music department while all others were from the Carnatic or Hindustani Music Department. The Chief Guest, O.N.V. said, "Even if you are graduating today, your music life is just beginning. Keep learning more." Guess what? I got married in 1989 and moved to Canada. I took a different path and my life in India ended there forever.
In 1987, K.J. Yesudas did not honor Mr. Michael's proposition to start Trinity College programs at Thanraga Nissari. Or else, I would have been the first candidate.
M.A. Econometrics
After completing M.Sc. Mathematics, studying Ring Theory, Partial Differential Equations, and Numerical Analysis, he decided to switch to the branch that is down to the earth.Only about 14 students enrolled for the specialization in Econometrics, Mathematical Economics, and Applied Statistics.
Thanks to the great influence of Dr. KN Raj of the Center for development Studies and Prof. Balakrishnan of Kariavattom Campus. With very little effort, I could graduate in 1987, the same year I graduated music from Tharanga Nissari.

B.Sc. Mathematics
Enrolled at Fatima Matha National College in Quilon for the undergraduate degree with a concentration in Mathematics. and stayed at St. Thomas Hostel. Today's parliamentarian Mr. Premachandran, was his roommate and classmate. The campus was filled with thick black coal smoke that the trains in the nearby Goods yard spit out everyday. That became unbearable as it caused breathing problems and transferred to University College for the remaining years. Being the closest college near the secretariate, there was not a single day passed by without a strike. Attending math class was unheard of at University College. Unlike studying art subject, independently studying math was a challenge. For learning math, we depend on private coaching and the nearby University Library. That was the beginning of serious self-learning without any professor's intervention.