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Destined To Reach New Heights
Everyone loves his/her home and birthplace. This website is meant for the young generation of Puthenthope who are driven by values and rational thinking. The new generation is not limited to locals, or those in the Middle East. Since the 1930s people from Puthenthope have lived in Malay. Then in the 1960s, they migrated to Australia and Canada. By the early 1970s, many of them migrated to the UK and the US. This website is for all of them to reconnect their roots.
Dr. Leo Rajan Pereira
[A wicked man talks bad about you with hopes that others won’t find you so appealing! That’s his religious way, the only way he could continuously be a living lie.]

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Explore The World
Living in a small village is good but thinking as if a world champion with no substance is foolish. How could you equate one who is not good enough to represent a district, as a World Cup soccer champion?
There are not many people like the late AP Fernandez of Puthenthope who claimed, “I don’t want your citizenship, I came from India.” He lived in Singapore for about 30 years and proudly returned to his homeland after retirement without relinquishing his Indian citizenship in 1975.
Today, millions of youth from India are willing to migrate to the West legally or even illegally which defines the nation whatever image you create. The world is not outside but within you. Conquer it.
A lot to be changed, and a lot to be done before Gen X, Y, and Z are buried. First, allow them to think outside the box instead of making them smart only to fool their parents. That’s the only way to free them from the evil agenda of liars and their selfish leaders. Or else, they will continue to be slaves, colonial residues, not worthy to be counted as anything more than “little pieces of vote bank.”
Dr. Leo Rajan Pereira
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Paris 2024 – Olympic Games
“Athletes from all 206 National Olympic Committees and the IOC Olympic Refugee Team are eligible to compete in a wide range of sporting disciplines and events, watched by a worldwide audience.”